Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ext3 is the right filesystem to use for drives shared between Linux and windows dual boots.

Since NTFS in not writeable from linux yet, I have found that ext3 is the best filesystem to use for large drives that you want to access from both windows and Linux with a dual boot system.
There is a great driver called ext2 IFS. It installs very nicely and configures cleanly.
The only thing I need to figure out is how to turn it off when I boot my windows using VMWare with a raw partition, if I ever figure it out. Then I will want to map network drives to the same place in that case so everything keeps working. I might use shared folders if I can get it to work. I think it is not available in vmware player though.

Monday, September 18, 2006

intell i845G on Dell dimension gives blank screen when switching users or switching VTs

This one has been a pain for a really long time. On my Dell dimension 2400 with a pentium4 in it, and an i845G* video card, when I changed VTs or switch users the screen goes blank and I can't get it to come back. And now on SLED 10 I can't get more then 800 x 600 resolution.
So I did some research and came up the the following links not very useful but sent me to intel's site where I found this driver*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go%21
I need to figure out what driver I have and see if I need to install this one.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Linux Agents facility- AMOR (Amusing Missuse of Resources)

Since I started using linux I have been looking for an animated desktop character facility that I could use to keep me awake and I finally found it. AMOR. I had looked for days and never found it. Then I happened upon it by accident. It is a little system that brings up an animated character that has actions and can be directed to show text in a bubble. I want to see if I can use it to create a program like cyberbuddy for linux. I also want to see if I can get it to show MSAgents. I think it should be possible but I am having trouble getting anyone who knows anything about it.

Running windows from a dual boot partition with VMWare using raw mode.

Well, here is the idea. I have winxp-pro in a dual boot partition on this machine. It is all configured and working and registered and all that good stuff. I just don't like booting to windows when I have to do something in windows like debug a windows specific problem. So, I thought it would be cool to run windows as a guest operating system from my linux host in VMWare. I read that it was possible but that there were some things to worry about if it was on a scsi disk. Well, I don't have a scsi disk. I have an SATA drive. So, I thought it might work.
Problem: linux shows sata drives as scsi drives by using device names like sda1. So, I read some people that said they had got it working.
When I tried it , I got an error saying that the partition table had changed and that I need to remove the disk and re-add it. So, I did and it immediately gave me that same error again.
Someone told me that I need to use a boot floppy but I don't know what he means so here I sit with another unsolved problem.

Remote desktop problems

Well, I have 4 monitors on 3 cards and for some reason desktop sharing doesn't work right. At first is would let me log in but when I moved the mouse it would only track vertically not horizontally. So I thought that if I updated to the very latest one it would work better. Well, it didn't. Now it crashes and I can't tell why.

So, I thought maybe I should try NX. So, I installed freeNX and knx since I am running kde. Well, it seems to work great but I can not figure out how to get NX to work for desktop sharing with krfb. Seems like it would be staight forward but I have no idea where to start.